Sunday, August 29, 2010


California was by far the most diverse region in ancient North America. Many different languages were spoken in this region, and there were many different tribes. The California indians loved to hunt, fish, and craft. They are especially known for their basketry and weaving skills. There were many popular wild game in this region, including, fish, hawks, eagles, small birds, coyotes, deer, bears, and lizards. There was also a bountiful supply of wild plants and berries. The California indians lived in tepeis made of sticks, brush, and vines. They were also skilled seamen, just like the indians of the Pacific Northwest. The well known tribes of California were the Karuk, Yurok, Wiyot, Shasta, Serrano, Hupa, Yuki, Maidu, Pomo, Costanoan, Miwok, Modoc, Yokut, Chumash, Luiseno, Cahuilla, Gabrielino, Yuma, Mojave, and Cocopa.

Shasta indians at their settlement

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